jurnal curhat :'|

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kuyobot's avatar
(written at Dec 2012 in my facebook notes; but suddenly I want to copas it here because no one leave any comment there... 8''D maybe the notes is sunk so no one notice it "orz)

So, I want to rambling something about me.

I used to anime since I was a brenyit—err I mean a little, small, tiny kid (I remember that I adore Anpanman & Seramon (Sailor Moon) so bad; and, oh, I'm already know Nube since I was still at playground/daycare—err, hoikuen; lmao), and I love to draw since that time.

I remember that I love to draw pokemons when I still at (around) 3rd year in elementary school (I draw Squirtle a lot, everywhere xD), and I remember that I interested in drawing the manga style from some tutorial book when I still at 6th year in elementary school, and I remember that I spent a lot of my time for doodling, sketching, drawing random things on my notes, books, papers, etc at the middle school.

(I even used to doodling on the floor and didn't notice when it start to get warm. :rofl: )

And I still do it until my high school life, and keep doing it until now, in my college life (like drawing in the middle class, yeaaa \m/).

...TBH I never notice/realize how long I get into these drawing universe (?) before, and what I only know now that my drawing skill is still not good enough and I must keep practicing and practicing for some next years.

I rly dunno exactly how long it'll took, maybe around 2, 3, 4 years or more. 8'''DDDDDDDDD

And I'm almost used to see those artists/fanartists that have same age as me or younger than me with a super quick improvements. 8'>

Some of 'em only need 2-4 years in their whole life until their drawing skills reach a godly levels; but me, I'm such an idiot that can improve really slowly, slower than a slowest slug/whatever slow animals in the world.

(But, yeah, I know; there're still another parameters, like, how long they've been practicing in a day; maybe I'm only 1-2 hours but they're 6-12 hours, so that's why their ability is boosting that fast; but... lmao I dunno, that's only my assumption.)

-I'm sorry for my bad English-

..Mungkin ini karena rantai gajah saya terlampau kuat hahahhaha terbuat dari metal apa ya. "orz
Sering banget saya bilang "nggak bisa" ke diri sendiri; keinginan buat impruf sih selalu ada, tapi seringkali saya putus semangat di tengah-tengah karena 'selera' dan 'skill' saya nggak singkron. :/

Mungkin karena saya terlalu sering mandangin gambar dewa, standar saya jadi ketinggian buat diri sendiri *apasih* jadi kalo ngerasa gambar sendiri udah jelek barang sedikiiit, aja...udah suka langsung maleus sorangan. "orz

Dan lagi... saya juga dodol; kalo gambar selalu gitu-gitu terus, Kariya-Kariya mulu *eh* jadi, yah.... "orz
(Bahkan gambar anatomi juga belum bisa www aaaah. 8'''DD)

Sambil jalan dan ngegalau, saya juga sebetulnya masih nyoba-nyoba nyari style yang pas buat saya, pokoknya maunya sih yang simpel dan ga ribet. 8'Da Pokoknya yang bisa jadi secepatnya soalnya saya (pada dasarnya) bukan tipe orang yang suka gambar lama-lama (yah walaupun kalo udah gambar memang suka lupa diri+waktu sendiri..). :>a

Kemudian yang paling penting... masalah pede; ow yeah.
Kalo bisa dianalogikan, mungkin level pede saya di gambar cuma 1 dari 10 wanita mengaku puas menggunakan produk blalalah kali yak? 8'Da

Makanya kalopun ngepublish gambar baru di FB, misalnya, itu saya jarang-jarang ngetag orang. :')


Pokoknya coretan saya masih belum bagus ihiks. T_T

Mungkin cuma segini (dulu) aja yang pengen saya tulis.... kalo kepanjangan juga males dibacanya. 8'D

Oke oke kalo gitu saya mohon pamit kabur dulu ya. :iconlachoirplz:

#escape to africa
© 2013 - 2024 kuyobot
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ChasersFlyersRunners's avatar
I'm in the same boat with you over years even until now hahah |D but I don't usually ramble outside ( dragging Masaki and my friends /hit )

I think all of the things has been explained by Mai on the comments above. All you need to do is just practicing, practicing and pour more love into your drawing. Not only drawing but also all things will look "bad" if you don't do it with joy. Also taking critique will be a good way to improve too. People who doesn't draw doesn't mean they can't look into the "soul" of your drawing. On the contrary, they can judge better than an artist can.

So take whatever you can to improve. Put spirit, soul and joy. Regardless, the improvement and people commenting or not or hating your drawing. Remember, that there are people who still like your drawing, appreciate them and ignore thos who look down on you. Good luck always :heart:

Note : hahah Kurot is like my second digital artist than influenced me back then when I first started drawing. ( I knew she has a sister and it's KL XD because they are so famous on pixiv and Reborn fandom back then ) Also, that journal is also an inspiration for me ( from when I haven't got any tablet yet )

Note2 : Sorry for grammatical errors;;